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Utilitaires Productivité
Développeur Sergiy Lavryk
2.99 USD

With AYBO you can perform any kind of calculations, unit conversions, currency conversions, check the weather, set timers, plot graphs, solve simple equations! Know what?? You can even create your own custom commands! :)

Just a small list of available commands

- 1 + 1 / sin(pi/2)
- sqrt(4) * 456
- 10 USD to GBP
- 5.5 inch to cm
- 450 miles to km
- time in Madrid
- guid
- hex 567
- color aqua
- translate What a wonderful weather!
- timer 10 sec
- weather Chicago
- forecast Berlin
- plot x^2
- date
- time

And also its highly customizable - use Preferences to find location of custom commands file with some examples.